My New Article : Exploring Caching : Using Caching Application Enterprise Library 4.1

Enterprise Library caching application Block provides ready to use Caching Framework. This  can be used in various application like

* ASP.NET Web application
* Windows Forms
* Console
* Windows Service
* Enterprise Services
* Web service
Implementing caching using Caching Application Block improve the performance of application as well as reduces the development time and cost. This Application blocks provides all kinds of function like adding, removing, managing expiration of cache.
As caching application block is predefined set of code and that are defined in a framework for that we need install Enterprise Library 4.1 First then we need  to add some reference in to our application. These are Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.dll and Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.common.dll.

I have published one complete article on which describe how to use Enterprise Caching Application Block 4.1 . Here is my complete article
Exploring Caching : Using Caching Application Enterprise Library 4.1

Please provide your valuable suggestion and feedback to improve my articles.

Thank you !

.NET 4.0, ASP.NET, C#, Enterprise Library 4.1, Visual Studio 2010


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  2. Hi abhijitjana,

    It will be very helpful for me if you provide tutorial on Caching Application Block 4.1 using database cache storage pls.




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