7 Years of Daily .NET Tips

Today, Daily.NET Tips marks its 7th Anniversary!! Exactly seven years ago, Today (27th Dec 2010) I founded Daily .NET Tips, with a vision to have a single knowledge base of .NET Tips and Tricks and share a post that can quickly help developers. Yes, now and then, it’s been 7 years since starting the wonderful space, that has become an integral part of my day to day learning.

Wishing you all Merry Christmas! Thank You!

This is the season of joy and the time to express gratitude. Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year in advance. May this good times become the golden memories of tomorrow for all of you and bring ample joy in your life. This is the best time of year to start with a new attitude for a new beginning.

Virtual Reality (VR) – Augmented Reality (AR) – Mixed Reality (MR) – A Quick Understanding

Continuing my series of posts on Holographic App Development Using Microsoft HoloLens, here is one more addition to the series. This should have been the very first post of the series, given the fact it talks about a little background on where holographic app development stands.