Using Silverlight Chart Controls With SharePoint 2010

In this blog post I am going to explain how we can use Silverlight Chart Control with SharePoint 2010. Overall SharePoint 2010 supports fully integration with Silverlight application either of Silverlight In Browser  or as a Silverlight OOB ( Out Of Browser) applications. In this blog post, I will be using one Share Point List to read the data using SharePoint Client Object Model (OM) and display them using Silverlight Chart Control inside SharePoint as a SharePoint Out of the box Silverlight  Web Parts. This is also  an example High Touch Integration of Silverlight and Share Point 2010.

Silverlight Task Control For SharePoint 2010 – Example of High Touch Integration

SharePoint 2010 supports fully integration with Silverlight application either of Silverlight In Browser  or as a Silverlight OOB ( Out Of Browser) aplications. In this blog post I am going to explain about High Touch Integration with Silverlight and Sharepoint using SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model (OM) with one example of Silverlight Task Lists for Sharepoint. I have also explained how to host a Silverlight web parts with in SharePoint using Sharepoint Out-Of-the-Box Silverlight Web Parts. As per my understanding below is the over all diagram for a High Touch Integration of Silverlight and SharePoint 2010


From the above diagram we can see, that we have SharePoint Client Object Model (OM) and  Services, Which can be consumed by a Silverlight Application.  Object model and services is not only for Silverlight, you can use them for different client applications.

Custom web parts not getting displayed after deployment in share point 2010. how to resolve ?

In Share point 2010, we can create Visual Web parts very easily from Visual studio and can deploy it directly from Visual Studio. After deployment, when adding a web part on a sharepoint page you might face the issue that custom web parts are not getting displayed under custom web parts section though your deployment was successful from Visual Studio.

Fig :  No web parts after deployment

This problem might happen due to activation of features list of your corresponding web parts.  To resolved this issue you need to perform the following steps.