JScript Debugger– “Unable to attach the process. Another debugger might be attached to the process” – while application is running from Visual Studio. [ Solution ]

IE Developer toolbar provide us a fantastic and easiest way to debug JavaScript with in browser.  If the web site is hosted on IIS and you are trying  debug JavaScript using IE Developer tool bar, it will work fine if you the correct browser setting for debugging. If you are running your web application directly from visual studio, you might came across the problem of “Unable to attach to the process”  while click on “Start debugging” button in IE Developer toolbar. In this post I am going to talk about the resolution of the same and will also talk about little bit behind the scene.

16 Tips on .NET, ASP.NET 4.5, Visual Studio 2011 Developer Preview, Profiler – October 2011 Links

Daily .NET Tips is aiming to sharing useful coding tips and tricks for .NET Developers. This site completely design for sharing Tips and Tricks, useful Code Snippet which anyone use in daily development work and targeted anything related with .NET.   This month we have wide range of tips including ASP.NET 4.5, C#, .NET , Visual Studio 2011 Developer Preview, Profiler etc. In this post I am quickly listing down all the tips which are published over the month October 2011

Few Nice features in Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview for ASP.NET Developers

Visual Studio 2011 developer preview introduced many great features. These  includes IDE features such as HTML Editor Enhancements,  Debugging features, parallel computing improvements, SharePoint development features etc. You can read the Announcing Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview post from Jason Zander’s WebLog to know more about the newly launched Visual Studio. In this post I am going talk few of  nice features of Visual Studio 2011 developer preview  related with ASP.NET.

Bundling and Minification in ASP.NET 4.5

Optimizing application performance  is a key element for business. There are several ways by which we can optimize the applications performance. It can be done either by server side code optimization, caching or some client side optimization. In this post I am going to discuss about one handy and smart way to optimize web applications performance using Bundling and Minification  features which is introduced with ASP.NET 4.5 Developer Preview. ASP.NET 4.5 Developer Preview introduced bundling, which combines multiple JavaScript files for faster loading with less number of requests for download and minification, which reduces the size of JavaScript and CSS files by removing unneeded characters .  Combination of these bundling and minification helps web pages to load very faster. Let’s have a looks how it works.