Custom web parts not getting displayed after deployment in share point 2010. how to resolve ?

In Share point 2010, we can create Visual Web parts very easily from Visual studio and can deploy it directly from Visual Studio. After deployment, when adding a web part on a sharepoint page you might face the issue that custom web parts are not getting displayed under custom web parts section though your deployment was successful from Visual Studio.

Fig :  No web parts after deployment

This problem might happen due to activation of features list of your corresponding web parts.  To resolved this issue you need to perform the following steps.
1. Go To Site Action from you Share Point Site and Navigate to Site Settings


Fig : Navigate to Site Settings

2. In site setting page select “Site Collection Features” under “Site Collection Administrator” Section.

Fig : Select “Site Collection Features” for get the list of features

3. There you will find the list of features that belongs to your site collection. Just search for your own web parts features. You will find it as “deactivate State” .  😦

Fig : Click on Activate to Activate the Feature

4. Click on the “Activate” Button. You are done.  🙂
To verify, you may again navigate to Edit Page and try to insert web part or you can go to “Web Parts Gallery” in “Site Settings” and just check out for your custom web parts controls.



Fig : Verify Custom Web Parts from Web Parts Gallery

Fig : Verify Custom Web Parts from Edit Page

Hope this post help you to resolve your issue and save your time.  🙂

Cheers !

Shout it

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  1. Pingback: DotNetShoutout
  2. Hi I have followed the steps and the webpart is showing under Custom, but when I am adding this webpart i am getting the error as

    A web part or web form control on this page cannot be displayed or imported. This type is not registerd as safe.


  3. @Phani

    My guess is you’re copy pasting code, which can cause the spdata file to not update correctly.

    Make sure its directive is configured like so:


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