Use Visual Studio 2010 to Profile your ASP.NET Application which is hosted on IIS

Most of all are well aware about command line profiling for ASP.NET Application using  VSPerfASPNETCmd command line tool . This can easily profile your ASP.NET Web applications which is hosted on IIS. We just need to run VSPerfASPNETCmd command with required parameter. Once profiling done, we can inspect the generated performance  report (.vsp) file within Visual Studio. But, do you know we can do the complete profiling within Visual Studio itself. How ? Here you go.

Not able to view all the running Worker Process in Visual Studio – Process Attach Window – Resolution

This might be a very simple and known to most of us, but I found  it as a query in a discussion forum of one of my article “Debug your ASP.NET Application while Hosted on IIS” which was published at Code Project . Question was regarding list of worker processes in “Process Attach window” of Visual studio. Though all the sites are running properly on IIS, still he was not able to view any processes in “Attach Process Window” while trying to attach a process from Visual Studio.

Download PPT – “ASP.NET Request Processing Internals” – Microsoft User Group Hyderabad Community Meet – 26 Feb 2011

Yesterday I delivered  1 hour session on “ASP.NET Request Processing Internals”  at Microsoft User Group Hyderabad (MUGH).  This was an half day event and organized at Microsoft Campus , Building 3 MPR Halls , Gachibowli, Hyderabad. I delivered the first session Slide1on ASP.NET Request processing Internals where I talked about how request processing happens in IIS level to ASP.NET Application Level.  In this presentation I talked about how ASP.NET Application runs with in VS IDE ,  then moving to IIS, Different Components of IIS like HTTP.SYS, SVCHOST, WWW Publishing Services, WAS along with there roles in ASP.NET Request processing. I have also covered the key concepts like Worker Process, Application Pool, Web farms and web garden. Then I talked about how requests flow from HTTP.Sys, to WWW Services, WAS and How things happens with Worker Process . I have also talked about HTTP Pipeline and ASP.NET Page life cycle was the last one.

Download Presentation

What is the difference between Web Farm and Web Garden ?

I have been asked this question many times by different readers of my blog. They wanted to know about the fundamentals of Web Farms and Web Garden. In this blog post, I am going to explain the what is the exact difference between web farm and web garden, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using them. I have also described how to create web garden in the different version of IIS.

Overview :

Visual Studio is having its integrated ASP.NET engine which is used to run the ASP.NET Web application from Visual Studio. ASP.NET Development Server is responsible for executing all the request and response from the client. Now after the end of development, when you want to host the site on some server to allow other peoples to access, the concept of web servers comes in between.  A web server is responsible for responding to all the requests that are coming from clients. Below diagram showing the typical deployment structure of an ASP.NET Web application with a single IIS.

2 Clients request for resources and IIS Process the request and send back to clients. If you want to know more details on How IIS Process the request, please read one of my article over “How IIS Process ASP.NET Request ?”.

Web Farm :

This is the case, where you have only one web server and multiple clients requesting for the resources from the same server. But when there are huge numbers of incoming traffic for your web sites, one standalone server is not sufficient to process the request.  You may need to use multiple servers to host the application and divide the traffic among them.  This is called “Web Farm.” So when you are hosting your single web site on multiple web server over load balancer called “Web Farm.” Below diagram showing the over all representation of Web Farms.

 Web Farms

IIS Articles Archives

In this blog post I have going to list out all of my IIS articles that I have published over last few years. Why I am going to do such post ? Because, I have been asked many question on IIS and different debugging options related with IIS and ASP.NET Applications by many readers. Many times I have had given reference of my different articles.   This post will be the single reference for all of those articles. In this blog post I have given link  and small overview of all of my IIS articles, so that I can refer a single articles to who ever wants to learn about IIS.

1. Beginner’s Guide : Exploring IIS 6.0 With ASP.NET 

This article describes details of IIS configuration, Virtual Directory creation, Application Pool Creation, Application Pool settings, IIS Request processing for ASP.NET .


Unable to Start Web Site on IIS – “Process can not access the file because It’s being used by another process”. How to resolve ?

I was trying to run one of my local IIS hosted site I got page not found error. I was quite surprised to see that error because the site was up and running few hours back. I opened the IIS and found that my Site Application was in stopped mode. I started the web application and got the error message displayed below

Problem : Error message “Process can not access the file because It’s being used by anther process”  while starting the web application from IIS.

Investigation and Resolution:  Earlier my web site was running on the default IIS port ( Port 80 ).  From the error message it’s clear that port 80 is being used by some other process or some one is blocking it.

Identifying Worker Process (w3wp.exe) – IIS 6.0 and IIS 7.0 for Debugging ASP.NET Application

If you are debugging a ASP.NET web application which is hosted on IIS, you need to attach the particular worker process in Visual Studio to start debugging. To Attach a process we can go to Tools > Attach Process or use shortcut key Ctrl +P. The process window will show the worker process (w3wp.exe) which is currently running on IIS. You need to select the process and click on attach button to start the debugging.
Problem starts when you have multiple worker process running on IIS.  If you have multiple sites hosted on IIS and each site having their own application pool then you will see the list of all worker process in the Process Attach window.

Here  you need to identify the particular worker process which is associated with your application pool.

Note: Whenever we create a new Application Pool, the ID of the Application Pool is being generated and it’s registered with the HTTP.SYS (Kernel Level of IIS) . So whenever HTTP.SYS Received the request from any web application,  it checks for the Application Pool and based on the application pool it send the request

“Spotlight” – Microsoft’s official website

I am happy to inform that one of my article “Beginner’s Guide: How IIS Process ASP.NET Request” published at DotNetFunda.Com has been featured at Microsoft’s official website as Spotlight .

This article has also been selected asArticle of the day” at site few weeks back. This time I am quite excited to see  the article in Spotlight section.

Thanks to DotNetFunda and Thanks to all of you for your good wishes.
You can read all of my article here

Beginner’s Guide: How IIS Process ASP.NET Request


When request come from client to the server a lot of operation is performed before sending response to the client. This is all about how IIS Process the request.  Here I am not going to describe the Page Life Cycle and there events, this article is all about the operation of IIS Level.  Before we start with the actual details, let’s start from the beginning so that each and everyone understand it’s details easily.  Please provide your valuable feedback and suggestion to improve this article.

What is Web Server ?

When we run our ASP.NET Web Application from visual studio IDE, VS Integrated ASP.NET Engine is responsible for executing all kind of requests and responses.  The process name is “WebDev.WebServer.Exe” which takes care of all request and response of a web application which is running from Visual Studio IDE.
Now, the name “Web Server” comes into picture when we want to host the application on a centralized location and wanted to access from many places. Web server is responsible for handle all the requests that are coming from clients, process them and provide the responses.

What is IIS ?

IIS (Internet Information Services) is one of the most powerful web servers from Microsoft that is used to host your ASP.NET Web application. IIS has its own ASP.NET Process Engine to handle the ASP.NET request. So, when a request comes from client to server, IIS takes that request and process it and send the response back to clients.

Request Processing :

Hope, till now it’s clear to you that what is the Web server and IIS is and what is the use of them. Now let’s have a look how they do things internally. Before we move ahead, you have to know about two main concepts

1.    Worker Process
2.   Application Pool

Worker Process:  Worker Process (w3wp.exe) runs the ASP.Net application in IIS. This process is responsible for managing all the request and response that are coming from the client system.  All the ASP.Net functionality runs under the scope of the worker process.  When a request comes to the server from a client worker process is responsible for generating the request and response. In a single word, we can say worker process is the heart of ASP.NET Web Application which runs on IIS.
Application Pool: Application pool is the container of the worker process.  Application pools are used to separate sets of IIS worker processes that share the same configuration.  Application pools enable a better security, reliability, and availability for any web application.  The worker process serves as the process boundary that separates each application pool so that when one worker process or application is having an issue or recycles, other applications or worker processes are not affected. This makes sure that a particular web application doesn’t impact other web application as they are configured into different application pools.

Application Pool with multiple worker processes is called “Web Garden.”
Now, I have covered all the basic stuff like the Web server, Application Pool, Worker process. Now let’s have a look how IIS process the request when a new request comes up from a client.
If we look into the IIS 6.0 Architecture, we can divide them into Two Layer

1.    Kernel Mode
2.    User Mode

Now, Kernel mode is introduced with IIS 6.0, which contains the HTTP.SYS.  So whenever a request comes from Client to Server, it will hit HTTP.SYS First.

Now, HTTP.SYS is Responsible for pass the request to the particular Application pool. Now here is one question, How HTTP.SYS does come to know where to send the request?  This is not a random pickup. Whenever we create a new Application Pool, the ID of the Application Pool is being generated, and it’s registered with the HTTP.SYS. So whenever HTTP.SYS Received the request from any web application, it checked for the Application Pool and based on the application pool it sends the request.

So, this was the first steps of IIS Request Processing.
Till now, Client Requested for some information and request came to the Kernel level of IIS means at HTTP.SYS. HTTP.SYS has been identified the name of the application pool where to send. Now, let’s see how this request moves from HTTP.SYS to Application Pool.

In User Level of IIS, we have Web Admin Services (WAS) which takes the request from HTTP.SYS and pass it to the respective application pool.

When Application pool receives the request, it just passes the request to worker process (w3wp.exe). The worker process “w3wp.exe” looks up the URL of the request to load the correct ISAPI extension. ISAPI extensions are the IIS way to handle requests for different resources. Once ASP.NET is installed, it installs its own ISAPI extension (aspnet_isapi.dll) and adds the mapping into IIS.
Note: Sometimes if we install IIS after installing, we need to register the extension with IIS using an aspnet_regiis command.

When Worker process loads the aspnet_isapi.dll, it starts an HTTPRuntime, which is the entry point of an application. HTTPRuntime is a class which calls the ProcessRequest method to start Processing.

When this method called, a new instance of HTTPContext is created.  Which is accessible using HTTPContext.Current  Properties. This object remains alive during the life time of object request.  Using HttpContext.Current we can access some other objects like Request, Response, Session, etc.

After that HttpRuntime load, an HttpApplication object with the help of  HttpApplicationFactory class. Every request should pass through the corresponding HTTPModule to reach to HTTPHandler, this list of a module is configured by the HTTPApplication.
Now, the concept comes called “HTTPPipeline.” It is called a pipeline because it contains a set of HttpModules ( For Both Web.config and Machine.config level) that intercept the request on its way to the HttpHandler. HTTPModules are classes that have access to the incoming request. We can also create our HTTPModule if we need to handle anything during upcoming request and response.

HTTP Handlers are the endpoints in the HTTP pipeline. All request that is passing through the HTTPModule should reach to HTTPHandler.  The  HTTP Handler generates the output for the requested resource. So, when we were requesting for any aspx web pages,   it returns the corresponding HTML output.
All the request now passes from httpModule to respective HTTPHandler then the method and the ASP.NET Page life cycle starts.  This ends the IIS Request processing and starts the ASP.NET Page Lifecycle.


When the client request for some information from a web server, request first reaches to HTTP.SYS of IIS. HTTP.SYS then send the request to particular  Application Pool. Application Pool then forwards the request to worker process to load the ISAPI Extension which will create an HTTPRuntime Object to Process the request via HTTPModule and HTTP handler. After that, the ASP.NET Page LifeCycle events start.
This was a just overview of IIS Request Processing to let Beginner’s know how the request gets processed in the backend.  If you want to learn about details, please check the link for Reference and Further Study section.

Reference and Further Study

A low-level Look at the ASP.NET Architecture
IIS Architecture

Please share your suggestion and feedback.