TOD : Wrapping Code Block and Statements in Visual Studio

In this tips I have explained how you can automatically wrap up code blocks or code statement in Visual Studio. We can use Document formatting to format the whole contents, but that doesn’t wrap single line code block like Properties or not even single line multiple declaration statement.  Let’s consider an example, you are creating a Properties using code snippet and by default it will came up like


But, you want you code to be look like as below


How ? Read Complete Tips

Tips : “Remove and Sort” Namespaces using Shortcut in Visual Studio

While dealing with maintaining coding standard like stylecop warning fix with code, most of the time we need to remove unused namespaces and sort the namespaces.  We can do it easily from the context menu of  the code editor. There you have three different option for  “Organize Using” .  Either you can Remove Unused Usings , Sort Usings or we can do it together by selecting “Remove and Sort” .  Let’s see how we can make it more handy !

Tips on Debugging : Using DebuggerHidden attribute

DubuggerHidden attribute tells the Visual Studio debugger that the method is hidden from the debugging process and while debugging. This is quite helpful when you don’t  want to go to stepping inside of a method while debugging.

When you mark a method with DebuggerHidden() attributes,  It’s explicitly tells the debugger not to step inside of that methods and no break point will be hit over that method. Now I am going to explain the same using a Example with Intellitrace debugging.