The Internet of Robotics Things (IoRT) –   The Fusion of IoT and Robotics for Industry 5.0 Smart Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing

In the dynamic landscape of Industry 5.0, where intelligent manufacturing and automation drive unprecedented growth and innovation, the emergence of the Internet of Robotics Things (IoRT) stands as a revolutionary force. IoRT represents the fusion of cutting-edge technologies, including the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence(AI), Data Analytics, and Robotics, propelling industrial automation to new heights of efficiency and intelligence. As machines, sensors, and robots become seamlessly interconnected in an intelligent ecosystem, the manufacturing industry undergoes a profound transformation, unlocking the true potential of Industry 5.0.

From Automation to Robotics and AI: The Transformation of Digital Manufacturing in the Industry 5.0 Era

The manufacturing industry has undergone several phases of evolution over the years, including Industry 0.0, which involved manual labor and hand tools. From there, we saw the introduction of mechanization and steam power in Industry 1.0, followed by mass production and assembly lines in Industry 2.0. Industry 3.0 brought computerization and automation, while Industry 4.0 ushered in the era of digital manufacturing and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Each phase has sought ways to improve efficiency, productivity, and quality through advancements in technology and automation.